Ok, ok, maybe there actually is something to this Web2.0 business. A lot of the Web2.0 hype stems from the maturation of blogging, the software that helps people blog and RSS. All of these are good and bad things. Good in that there's more information available to more people today than ever before. Bad because there's more information available to more people today than ever before.
Drupal Powered Performancing Metrics Released
Submitted by Harry Slaughter on March 14, 2006 - 6:49pmToday, the folks over at Performancing.com announced the realease of Performancing Metrics, a free new service for tracking statistics for Blogs. Best of all, it's all in Drupal. OK, I'll come clean, I was involved in this project. My primary role was integrating Performancing's existing website with the Metrics tool. The entire toolset runs behind a single Drupal module that acts as a wrapper for what are essentially standalone PHP scripts.