
Creating custom apache logfile names for your multisite instances


One of the great features of Drupal is its ability to run any number of sites from one base installation, a feature generally referred to as multisites . Creating a new site is just a matter of creating a settings.php file and (optionally) a database to go with your new site. That's it. More importantly, there's no need to set up complicated Apache Virtual hosts, which are a wonderful feature of Apache, but can be very tricky and tedious, especially if you're setting up a large number of subsites.

No worries, there is a solution.

Managing multisite content from a single Drupal instance


This article explains a practical implementation of a technique outlined in the article "Sharing Drupal tables between databases using MySQL5 Views".


You have multiple (multisite) Drupal sites and you would like to manage the content for all of these sites through a single interface. Depending on the nature of a given piece of content, you may want the content published on one, several or all of your subsites, but you do not want to have to create copies of the same content for each site.


Taxonomy plus MySQL5 views. (NOTE: this solution will not work with versions of MySQL prior to 5.)

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