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Managing multisite content from a single Drupal instance


This article explains a practical implementation of a technique outlined in the article "Sharing Drupal tables between databases using MySQL5 Views".


You have multiple (multisite) Drupal sites and you would like to manage the content for all of these sites through a single interface. Depending on the nature of a given piece of content, you may want the content published on one, several or all of your subsites, but you do not want to have to create copies of the same content for each site.


Taxonomy plus MySQL5 views. (NOTE: this solution will not work with versions of MySQL prior to 5.)

Will Web2.0 ever mean anything?


Ok, ok, maybe there actually is something to this Web2.0 business. A lot of the Web2.0 hype stems from the maturation of blogging, the software that helps people blog and RSS. All of these are good and bad things. Good in that there's more information available to more people today than ever before. Bad because there's more information available to more people today than ever before.

Drupal Powered Performancing Metrics Released


Today, the folks over at announced the realease of Performancing Metrics, a free new service for tracking statistics for Blogs. Best of all, it's all in Drupal. OK, I'll come clean, I was involved in this project. My primary role was integrating Performancing's existing website with the Metrics tool. The entire toolset runs behind a single Drupal module that acts as a wrapper for what are essentially standalone PHP scripts.

Is Web2.0 Backwards Compatible?


Web2.0 is now, and it's here. If you're not Web2.0, you're out like 2005. If you have to ask, you wouldn't understand.

Well, I have to admit, I need to ask. In fact, I have several questions about all this Web2.0 fanfare.

Why should I upgrade? How much will it cost me? How come nobody has it in stock when I try to buy it?

A Drupal Metrics Tool for Bloggers?


Rumor is spreading of some sort of new analytics tool from the blogging experts over at Performancing. This tool utilizes Drupal and is designed specifically for bloggers.

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